Monday, January 17, 2011

January's News

Soap Bubbles 18x24 $675
Now that the holiday madness is over and I've finally settled into my new home after a drawn out moving experience, I can finally get back to life as usual. Since it's January, I couldn't help making some New Year's resolutions. I have the typical resolution to exercise more, as well as a commitment to work on how I relate to others. But my most important resolutions have to do with my future as an artist.

Because my art is largely intuitive, (I do not sketch, plan, or ruminate too much before I work) I feel an inherent connection between my art and the spiritual. This year I want to explore that more by meditating or otherwise silencing my mind before I begin to work. When the mind is empty, I can truly be open to the intuitive gifts we all have within us. I am also hoping work on experiencing my chakras and goddess energy more fully and incorporating these into my art, either through subject matter or just by experiencing the energy and the results they bring forth.
I also resolve to broaden my horizons this year. I want to bring my art to more people and more spaces. I want to be in clothing stores, beauty salons, music venues, and galleries. After my experience at Dock Fore I am re-considering bars as a good place to exhibit. Although the exhibit was fun, I want to exhibit in places where my art is the focus or alternatively, where creative people go to shop.

Now that I've had an exhibit, I feel like a real artist. Now it's time to start acting like one. With these intentions I go forth to create!